I have said before that I'm more of a cartoonist that a bonafide comic book illustrator. Stories I tell are basically extended jokes with the punchline somewhere in the pages, not necessarily at the conclusion. I will build a story around the punchline or wacky situation I have in mind. Every detail is secondary to making that one panel, that one scene where tension, paradox, and incredulity is at it's peak.
That's why comic book covers are great! You can do it all without even telling the story. The covers I like to make are just one-panel gags. Sometimes at a day job a wacky idea hits me and I just sketch it up. Usually when there's nothing to do anyway and I have plenty of time to think up goofy stuff.
So here's a set of gag-covers I whipped up a couple years back, before my company played a gag and sold all the designers down the river.
[Can you tell I'm pissed?]
Apocalyptic Anthology -- I love stories about the end. I love that there is no hope here, but the chick is already thinking about a tryst with a bug-eyed-monster. Bigger, better, deal, you go, girl!
PAC-MAD -- This is a direct rip-off of an old Guardians of the Galaxy cover.
GIJOE Testifies -- Amazing how our foreign policy is based on a ludicrous cartoon from the 80's!!
Zombie Physics -- We know how zombie physics works, but what if you were tested on it?
Drive-Thru Divorce -- Yeah, it's weak.
Pin Pro vs. The Devil -- Got to be one of the weirdest ideas I ever had. I just wanted to see this bowling dude kick the devil's ass without breaking a sweat. He's like Job of the bowling alley -- unflappable like he doesn't even know the stakes. Damn!
Unfathomable Fish Tales -- People vs. fish is always great drama or great comedy!