Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This Has Been A Test....

HOLD ON, don't freak on me! This post ain't about nuthin! I'm just trying to see if something will work...

Ta da! Alright! Now I can waste time on a whole new level!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Put Up or Shut Up...

Uh, I forget where I put sketches all the time. I think I haven't worked on anything because I can't find 'em, or they're not finished. When I find them, I'm not quick to think "I should post that". Still getting used to life in the age of the BLOG. I used to do a lot of APAs (amatuer press associations) way back in the day, so that will date me for anyone who knows about such things. The pace was so much slower...and people were lazier, or I was more prolific. All that stuff is in some boxes somewhere....

Today's post features more aborted work...pinup stuff...I got no explanation, but I don't think they need it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

No Brain Activity...

Okay, another month has elapsed with very little content coming out of my studio. Perhaps it's time to visit a proctologist???

Oh, but there are some things I do to fill the time when I should be this stuff:

The ball purse....a hideous sight, but something I had to sketch when it popped into my head. Better to see it HERE know....

And to the, that's not "fire-crotch", it's something I considered doing for someone's web page, but then I let it sit too long and forgot, and found it again and went back, and....the life of the's like a chick throwing a curse on her boyfriend. Yeah, the curse might be "fire-crotch", but heck if I know...

I shoulda been working on the boxing comic, afore I get FIRED!!!