Wednesday, August 22, 2007

No Brain Activity...

Okay, another month has elapsed with very little content coming out of my studio. Perhaps it's time to visit a proctologist???

Oh, but there are some things I do to fill the time when I should be this stuff:

The ball purse....a hideous sight, but something I had to sketch when it popped into my head. Better to see it HERE know....

And to the, that's not "fire-crotch", it's something I considered doing for someone's web page, but then I let it sit too long and forgot, and found it again and went back, and....the life of the's like a chick throwing a curse on her boyfriend. Yeah, the curse might be "fire-crotch", but heck if I know...

I shoulda been working on the boxing comic, afore I get FIRED!!!

1 comment:

Flint Lockjaw said...

Looks fantastic, man!

Keep drawing, dude!!!