Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Election Withdrawls....
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Just Survivin'
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Recap: San Diego Comic Con 2008
I ducked out of the convention melee on Saturday morning to do a racing yacht cruise, so truly it was a magnificent vacation. When I got back to the exibition hall on Saturday night, it had turned into a battle of commercial EXCESS!!! Seems any major company with a few bucks on hand went out and hired some models/actors and put them in costumes to show the company's wares. Then the TV/cinema folk trotted out their stars hike up DVD sales. Heh---it was disgustingly crass commercialism, and I loved it. I wandered around and followed the big crowds then they made noise.
Here are some pics of my jolly trip. Like Paris said, "Comic Con is hot."
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Spicy Space Sketches
Since March, I've been tossing some pages into the Spicy Space Tales comic blog. It's a good thing since it actually makes me work a bit and when I start a page I have a real deadline to finish it, so I don't overreach and I have to decide quickly what stays and what goes. Usually I find I have much too little space and far too much dialogue....but I feel it's necessary to inject some ulterior motives into the goings on.
When I see the other contributions, my mind explodes into lots of different plot threads! Somehow I find a number of ways to link it all together into a stream of sequential progress. But each new page cuts off my options and by the time I contribute again, my original ideas are not longer a fit.
Anyhow, here are some of the concept sketches I've done over the months. Who knows when these ideas will be used....???
Monday, June 30, 2008
Case Closed on Cheerleader Cop
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Are Comics A Waste?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
BACKSLIDE: The Backstory!!!
Everyone has throwaway stories, concepts and characters that never get used. One of mine is BACKSLIDE. Stephen and I hijacked the Halloween party theme in our company's production department and made it Comic-book Characters. So we both went to work and did pretty much EVERYTHING --- the cityscape cut outs, word balloons, outrageous props, newspaper scraps that had outrageous headlines on them, and Stephen made these carnival type posing stands. I drew up templates for people to make up their own heroes and add them to the list I had on a board called the Hall of Heroes or the Vault of Villains. Not too many people signed up...oh, well....at least we got a few brave souls to wear costumes. My costume was BACKSLIDE - a minor villain with the uncanny ability to backslide into time up to 15 minutes!
I had planned to disrupt Stephen's story continuity in THUGS by having BACKSLIDE show up from a side alley and alter events past. I never got around to drawing more than one illo about it. And now your know the backstory.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Covers For All Occasions
That's why comic book covers are great! You can do it all without even telling the story. The covers I like to make are just one-panel gags. Sometimes at a day job a wacky idea hits me and I just sketch it up. Usually when there's nothing to do anyway and I have plenty of time to think up goofy stuff.
So here's a set of gag-covers I whipped up a couple years back, before my company played a gag and sold all the designers down the river.[Can you tell I'm pissed?]
Apocalyptic Anthology -- I love stories about the end. I love that there is no hope here, but the chick is already thinking about a tryst with a bug-eyed-monster. Bigger, better, deal, you go, girl!
PAC-MAD -- This is a direct rip-off of an old Guardians of the Galaxy cover.
GIJOE Testifies -- Amazing how our foreign policy is based on a ludicrous cartoon from the 80's!!
Zombie Physics -- We know how zombie physics works, but what if you were tested on it?
Drive-Thru Divorce -- Yeah, it's weak.
Pin Pro vs. The Devil -- Got to be one of the weirdest ideas I ever had. I just wanted to see this bowling dude kick the devil's ass without breaking a sweat. He's like Job of the bowling alley -- unflappable like he doesn't even know the stakes. Damn!
Unfathomable Fish Tales -- People vs. fish is always great drama or great comedy!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Lost Pages
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Losing the Fight....
Here are a few that I like:
Saturday, March 01, 2008
NOW It Can Be Told....
But today is different --- NOW It Can Be Told!!!
Okay, back in the day, when Stephen and I were dredging away in the underground salt mines of --deleted-- Corp., there was this round-robin comic thingy that he keeps using as an example of how NOT to do such a project! Before the brutal overlords tossed us from the caves to fend for ourselves, our group cranked out 28 pages of almost ad-free dreck. My first project in the naked light and sweet aire of freedom was to draw up a cover for the set. OK, that was done pretty quick---it only took me 8 months to ink and color it.
Tales of the Aquamarine Enchilada!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Just Survivin'...
Okay, so that AND arguing with 15-year olds on bulletin boards...geez...what a waste...
So between all those fruitless pursuits I still turn out something every once in a while. Today I put the second cartoon together for the Survivor BB on CBS.com.